1.Definition: Anxiety is a sustained, low-level discomfort characterized by worry, distress, and fear.
2.Onset: It tends to build gradually in response to specific stressors
3.Duration: Lasts longer than fear or panic.
1.Definition: Anxiety is a sustained, low-level discomfort characterized by worry, distress, and fear.
2.Onset: It tends to build gradually in response to specific stressors
3.Duration: Lasts longer than fear or panic.
1.Definition: Fear is an intense emotional response that activates the fight-or-flight mechanism. Response to immediate threat/danger
2.Onset: Surges suddenly and exists in short bursts.
.Duration: Typically short-lived.
1.Definition: Stress is the body’s response to external pressures or demands.
2.Onset: Varies based on the stressor.
3.Duration: Can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term).
4.Examples: Stress can result from work, relationships, or life events
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