"Written by an MD/JD, this book offers a unique perspective on medical-legal issues surrounding daily clinical practice. It covers all the essentials and tells the inside secrets of how to avoid cases that cost the medical community millions each year. Readers will learn basic law and the ways laws are interpreted. In addition, the book focuses on the law-medicine-politics triangle and its effect on physicians, the impact of — and issues related to — diversity in medical malpractice, and other essential topics. Physicians who better understand malpractice laws are better clinical decision makers who feel more confident in their ability as doctors."
"In this book, Bernie Brown, a twenty-nine-year retired prosecutor, interviews ordinary people who say they have experienced a supernatural event. Each event is critically reviewed with a scathing analysis to assess credibility and legitimacy. Was it a supernatural event, or was it an event that can be explained by logical reasoning, consistent with the ordinary laws of science and physics? Each case is subjected to a prosecutor's analysis for truth and veracity and an evaluation of the probability that a jury of one's peers would validate or invalidate the legitimacy of the supernatural event. Along the way, Bernie describes his own list of personal supernatural events and subjects them to the same critical, common-sense analysis as all other cases. You will be shocked by his stories and the stories he has heard and surprised by his verdicts."
"This book provides an organizational model of the common ground needed to improve patient care and adapt to today’s healthcare environment. The relationship between a hospital CEO and a general surgeon and how they aligned, motivated and partnered with physicians to change the culture of a hospital and implement patient oriented systems is the essential element of this text. Sustainable transformation processes will also be presented for the various roles and contributions of the healthcare team. Written from a team perspective, Transforming the Patient Experience is a practical guide for healthcare team members and leaders to follow."